Dental Onlays offer a dependable and durable restorative option for tooth decay or other types of damage. These restorations are considered a superior option to a crown and other dental restorations since they have several advantages. Laguna Dental Center and Dr. Ronald Ayzin have 5 years of experience in this procedure.
What is a Dental Onlay?
A partial crown, also known as a dental onlay, only covers the portion of the damaged tooth necessary to keep the restoration in place while protecting the sound tooth structure.
What are Dental Onlays made of?
- Gold – offers the greatest longevity and predictability. Compared to porcelain, gold is gentler on opposing tooth surfaces and needs less tooth structure to be removed. The absence of the natural tooth color is a drawback.
- Porcelain – Porcelain is also incredibly durable, but if a patient grinds or clenches their teeth, it might wear down neighboring teeth.
- Composite resin – equally as durable as gold and porcelain while matching the hue of real teeth. But the price is higher.
- Ceramic is composed of more durable and sturdy materials than dental fillings and crowns. They frequently live longer and offer damaged teeth extra support and strength. However, it is more expensive than other materials.
When is a Dental Onlay recommended?
When your tooth structure is compromised, and your dentist fears that a traditional filling would cause it to break, they may advise an onlay. The optimum choice is also an onlay since it protects good tooth structure while restoring decayed or damaged regions, assuring a long functional lifespan.
How is a Dental Onlay done?
An onlay is pre-molded outside the tooth by a technician in a lab. It inserts into the interior and exterior of the tooth, covering the cusps. The onlay is fixed to the tooth by the dentist using dental cement.
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How much tooth is needed for a Dental Onlay?
To sustain the onlay, the patient’s natural tooth structure must be strong enough. Up to three-fourths of the native tooth can be hidden with onlays.
How Long do Dental Onlays Last?
The Journal of Dental Health states that onlays often last 10 to 15 years. Onlays, like many other dental restorations, are not enduring and may require replacement. The position of the damaged tooth in the mouth, the strength of the supporting tooth, the health of the tooth’s nerves, the patient’s degree of oral hygiene, and the amount of stress and strain the onlay is subjected to are often factors that impact how long dental onlays last.
How do you care for Porcelain Onlays?
Following the installation of porcelain onlays, no extra cleaning is needed. You should floss at least once and brush your teeth twice daily for two minutes. Reduce your sugar intake and use fluoride mouthwash once daily. Avoid chewing ice or tearing apart food packaging with your teeth.
What are the Benefits of Dental Onlay?
Onlays in the mouth preserve tooth structure. Once fused into place, they provide your tooth with more strength. More of your natural tooth will remain, and an onlay can last up to 30 years.
What does a Dental Onlay before and after look like?
How much does Dental Onlay cost?
From $650 to $1,200 for each tooth. Onlays and inlays often have the same price. These repairs could be more expensive, but they typically require more room.
FAQs for Dental Onlay
Onlays in the mouth often take two sessions to complete. During your initial visit, several accurate impressions (molds) will be made to produce your unique onlay and a temporary repair.
Why does my tooth hurt after an Onlay?
Following a dental onlay surgery, pressure and temperature sensitivity are typical. The sensitivity should go away a few weeks after the latest repair was placed. A pain treatment, such as acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen, should be used every four hours to treat any remaining soreness (Motrin)
Can Dental Onlay crack?
Yes. Ceramic and porcelain onlays are less enduring. They make beautiful onlays but aren't strong enough to withstand a significant vertical crack.
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