A person with excellent oral and overall health is a suitable candidate for dental implants. The best candidates should have enough jawbone to support the implant and healthy, periodontal-disease-free gum tissues. The best course of action to repair your smile and health is to consult your dentist since implant procedure is not right for everyone.

Are Dental Implants Right for Anyone?

Tooth implants are an option for everybody who is in good enough condition to undertake an oral surgery or regular dental extraction. Here are some qualities a prospective dental implant candidate should possess.

  • A prospective applicant should maintain overall excellent dental hygiene.
  • If the patient has diabetes or is taking any extra systemic medications, as long as the disease is under control and poses no hazards for oral and maxillofacial surgery, then the procedure may still be performed.
  • Should have enough thick jaw bone already present; in the event that it does not, a bone transplant may be done at the prospective surgical location. Sinus lifts may sometimes be required to raise the sinus to allow for bone grafting in the upper jaw.
  • Be free of any periodontal or gum disease, including gingivitis.
  • Smoking should be avoided or quit, particularly during the Osseointegration period  or when the artificial roots are fusing with the jaw
  • Should have good overall general health
  • Be inspired to commit to healthy living practices, a regular dental hygiene routine, and regular post-operative checkups and consultations. According to the American Dental Association (ADA), maintaining good oral hygiene is crucial for dental implants to be successful.

We at Laguna Dental Center are near you to help you make an informed decision.

Why is a Tooth Implant Needed?

When you are lost teeth but are unable to use dentures, bridges, or crowns or do not want to, dental implants are crucial. Losing a tooth or two might have serious repercussions in the future, therefore it’s crucial to replace them.

  • Both facial appearance and the ability to chew food may be impacted by tooth loss. Additionally, the empty tooth socket might result in bone loss.
  • Patients with tooth loss, dental decay, or cavities still constitute the greatest candidates for the treatment, even if some people may take bisphosphonates if recommended to slow down the bone loss caused by missing teeth.
  • Denture wearers who are sick of their dentures’ social and dietary restrictions are also suitable candidates for dental repairs.
  • A tooth implant simulates the stimulation supplied by natural tooth roots and so assists in avoiding bone resorption when teeth are pulled or fall out.
  • The gap created by a lost tooth might harm neighboring teeth because the permanent teeth will move, increasing their risk of breaking and cracking.
  • Due to the lack of opposing teeth, they will stop natural teeth in the opposite arch from supra-erupting.
  • May be used as an orthodontic anchor to help shift the tooth and have an impact on skeletal development.

Although perio implants are typically used for dental restorations, since the new implant will enhance the appearance of the face, they can also be used for cosmetic reasons. Additionally, it may enhance a person’s speaking and eating capacities, all of which are significant benefits that raise one’s quality of life. However, if a patient merely wants to enhance their look, they may choose to speak with a cosmetic dentist.

When is Dental Implant Not Recommended?

There are certain situations when patients cannot have dental implants, despite the fact that they offer a number of benefits over other tooth replacement solutions now on the market.

  • Existence of specific medical problems or chronic illnesses, such as heart disease, that might cause major post-operative complications.
  • The patient is presently receiving therapy for a malignancy, such as oral cancer, another sort of cancer, or a bone illness.
  • Patient receiving an organ transplant and using a specific immunosuppressive medication
  • Children should not have this operation since their jawbones are still developing.

Schedule an appointment or visit our dental clinic Laguna Dental Center for more information.