
Excellence in academic pursuit and research is fostered at Aeon Academic College School of Nursing located in Laguna Hills, California. Aeon Academic College School of Nursing is a unique institution and a state-certified nursing school.

Laguna Dental Center

Types of Nursing Degrees

  • Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) – The easiest and most affordable route into the nursing profession is through CNA training. The distinction between CNAs and nurses should be made clear. They are certified nursing assistants who work under the direction of nurses and doctors and do not need a license to care for patients. They are sometimes known as UAPs, or unlicensed assistive personnel. Nursing assistant programs are the quickest and most affordable method to enter the nursing sector. Nursing assistants may frequently be referred to as PCTs, or patient care technicians, in hospital settings. The distinction between CNAs and nurses should be made clear. They are certified nursing assistants who work under the direction of nurses and doctors and do not need a license to care for patients. They are sometimes known as UAPs, or unlicensed assistive personnel. Nursing assistants may frequently be referred to as PCTs, or patient care technicians, in hospital settings.
  • Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN/LVN) – A licensed practical nurse (LPN) is a qualified nurse who collaborates closely with registered nurses and medical professionals to provide medical services like dressing patients and gathering samples for testing. They occasionally work with nursing assistants and aides to oversee and instruct in a practical setting. Since licensing requirements for nurses were established in 1945, licensed practical nursing has existed.
  • Registered Nurse (RN) – To become a registered nurse, there are several options (RN). ADN or BSN degrees are both options for those interested in a career as an RN. The cost and time required to complete the two programs range significantly, so it is advisable to assess the benefits and drawbacks of each degree type before making a choice.
  • Nurse Practitioner (NP) – An advanced practice nurse known as a nurse practitioner (NP) is qualified to give both general and specialty care as well as write prescriptions. In addition to working in hospitals and other healthcare settings, nurse practitioners also work in clinics and academic institutions.



Aeon Academic College School of Nursing
24012 Calle De La Plata, Laguna Hills, CA 92653, United States
Phone: (949) 583-1277

Take Calle De La Magdalena to Paseo De Valencia
58 sec (0.1 mi)
Use the left 2 lanes to turn left onto Paseo De Valencia
2 min (0.8 mi)
Take Ashland Dr and Hon Ave to your destination
4 min (1.0 mi)
Drive to your destination – Laguna Dental Center